CHRISTINE SMITH American Corruption

It is my opinion that the majority of our governmental "representatives" are corrupt; likewise and the causality, I think the
majority of people are corrupt.

The only difference is the amount of power they have achieved, and thus the degree of abuse capable.  But in our daily lives, how many of us are lied to, stolen from, cheated, unjustly discriminated against, and betrayed?

The lie is a way of life for most Americans.  From small to large examples, most people accept dishonesty, though they may profess
verbally the virtues they actually lack.  Appearances are deceptive, as most create a facade for the world to see....but it is in those
moments when they believe no one is looking--no one is aware--that the truth of what lies in the heart is revealed.  The line between
choosing the lie (any form of manipulation, cheating, deception for supposed gain-be it emotional, financial, or otherwise) or truth is
one we all face daily.  Though we all can err, I regard a corrupt person as one who makes the choice of the lie the majority of the
time.  A corrupt person is an enemy of truth.

I think politics particularly attracts the corrupt.  Politics, and politicians, should be one of the most honorable career choices, in
reality, I think the majority of those in politics are some of the most dishonorable people in our society.  I think the majority of
people in any governmental position are corrupt.  The same, too, can be said of the American judicial system.  Truth and justice is not the goal.

Corrupt people view politics and government positions, whether at the city/county/state level to the federal, as a means to greater
power...greater money...greater opportunity to achieve their goals (versus the goals of their constituents).  I do not agree it is the
power one achieves that corrupts them; I believe the corruption is already in them and thus they seek more power in order to fulfill
their agenda of what they think is in their best interest.

As writer David Brin observed, "It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane
are usually attracted by other things than power."

From small towns to large cities to states to the federal level, government offices and the various committees formed for apparently
"good" purposes  attract the corrupt for whatever power and security they can then have.  I believe it is the exception that such positions are sought by qualified persons with a true desire to be in civil service, just as I feel much giving is done for less than altruistic

Many of the what should be positions in which people want to serve and help the people (who pay their salaries) are instead occupied by
people who use the job only for personal gain.  Meeting a public servant who truly performs their duty with respect for the citizens is
rare.  (I recommend that when you meet those rare persons, that you commend them, and even go farther by writing a letter of gratitude to their supervisor, etc. or a letter to your local paper expressing your appreciation for their service to you as a citizen and to the
community at large.)

My naivety about my brothers and sisters is gone.  I realize there are individuals who believe in truth, but I also realize the majority do not.  Although I have known associates who are of the mindset that "people are basically good," I disagree.

I do believe each of is, at heart, at birth, love.  Love is what we are--what we are meant to give--and receive.  However, birth into this
corrupt society sadly results in many learning the false lessons of conditional love, a focus on differences, judgment and condemnation,
and the many forms of emotionalism that comes with lack of love. Thus, by the time adult hood is reached, corruption to a greater or
lesser degree, has made a home in the heart.
Because of the high degree of corruption (lack of love) in parents, teachers, employers, and others in one's family and associates, rarely
does one escape seeing that corrupt choices are never justified.  The end does not justify the means, but this is the lesson society

Examine your life.  How many times has someone you trusted lied to you...manipulated you?  Did you mother assert dominance over you causing you to this day confusion as you are drawn between wanting to show love/respect to her yet ambivalent because of the awareness of her years of deceit and use/abuse of your emotions and life?  Has a
lover betrayed you?  Has an employer cheated you?  Have you seen others 'get ahead' using tactics which are wrong, and yet they seem to
get away with it and prosper?  Have you suffered the sadness of seeing
someone you care about hurt by the betrayal of another?  Have you struggled honestly to make a living in the midst of others who through other means achieve financial success?  Have you voted and campaigned
for someone only to then find out their entire campaign was a lie? Have you been wronged or treated disrespectfully by a "public servant"
who follows the rules without being human about a situation (as in
'The letter of the law kills; the spirit of the law gives life?')
And, how many times has someone seemed to be a good friend, and later that very person becomes one of your worst enemies?

Likewise, how many times have you been the one inflicting emotional pain upon someone you said you cared about?  How many times have you made a less than honorable decision for whatever advantage you felt it would bring you?

These are the experiences of all.  Corruption pervades American society.  As Mahatma Gandhi  said,"Corruption and hypocrisy ought not to be inevitable products of democracy, as they undoubtedly are today."

It is, unfortunately, the human condition we as a people have created and allowed.   However, I believe in the power of one to choose
differently for their life.  The past does not exist.  So, regardless of mistakes you have made in the past toward others, you can choose again.  Regardless of the mistakes others have made toward you.  You
do not have to resort to negative emotional responses nor do you have to acquire their ways as your own.  Choose love.  Reject all forms of the lie...reject all forms of corruption.  Embrace truth.

What happens when you make that choice?  Pain.  Joy.

Pain because the more you choose truth, the more intensely you will feel righteous indignation on behalf of others who are mistreated as well as for the mistreatment you receive.

Joy because the more you choose truth, the more intensely you will love and be will for the first time learn, by experience,
the truth that giving is receiving.

Assuming one makes the choice to endeavor to seek truth and express truth, one will feel a strong need for justice (to be distinguished
from revenge).  Justice, accountability, is what you desire, and it appears to me that our society (and I can only speak for American
society as I am personally not familiar enough with other cultures) rarely provides justice.  Semblance of justice is touted through words
and displays of pride (an emotion to reject), but truth is not valued and rarely exposed.  Meaning: Many of the corrupt in our society are able to seemingly get away with their deeds.

How does one respond to this?

1. Never compromise.  Regardless of who or how many are making choices, that you, too, could do...resist the temptation.  Commitment
to truth--in relating to everyone and anything you say you care about--is necessary.

2.  Fight.  Courage is needed by anyone who seeks truth, dedicates themselves to truth, works for truth.  Courage. Strength.  You must
understand that what is right demands to be fought for.  One cannot give mere lip service to values of truth/ must have
integrity--which is living the life you profess to believe in within your heart and fighting to stop injustice wherever it is found. Apathy is the enemy of truth.  When you are victimized, or when others are victimized, when steps are being taken around you toward your
victimization or that of the time for you to boldly step forward and proclaim the truth.  Truth is always worth fighting for.

3. You must purge anyone who is corrupt from your life.  Again, "corrupt" meaning that the person has decidedly chosen, at this point
in their life, to more often choose darkness versus light; the lie versus truth; dishonesty rather than may take any number
of forms, but ask yourself is he/she predominately one who seeks truth
or do they predominately (in matters large and small) seek gain through deceit?  We all make mistakes, and mistakes are merely for
correction.  Some of the mistakes one can make can be quite serious, still one can choose again, and reject such a mistake.  What matters is the heart.  Do they remain committed to untruth or are they willing
to now choose truth?  If one remains committed to untruth, I feel it
is a serious mistake for a truth seeker to allow such persons to remain in their life.  I purge my life of anyone who is insincere with
me.  I do not care who they are.  If they seriously wrong me or others through deception, when I see a heart committed to lies (even if not directed toward me), I purge them from my life.  But if both parties in any relationship are sincerely committed to truth, regardless of the past, I believe peace can be found.

Another observation: The corrupt will protect one another.  They join their power to subjugate others to empower themselves.  They will conveniently look the other way even when injustice and wrongdoing is
brought to their attention.  The system is not based on truth.  They will do their best to look as if they "care" about your problem when
in reality they could not care less.  All that matters to the corrupt is protecting their job, prestige/reputation, and paycheck.  Thy live
lives based on fear of losing whatever they have gained, thus they accept the status quo and will not help put a halt to corruption.
They are not about to help others expose corruption...when they
actually accept it for themselves.

Few people will join you when you step out of the herd mentality of acceptance.  It is like the man in the fable who saw the emperor had
no clothes, yet all around him the masses hailed the emperor as he rode past in his nakedness as if he was regaled in elaborate robes.  Why would the people behave as if the emperor was elegantly
dressed...because they knew that was what they had been told and were
expected to do.  Their eyes were no longer made for seeing, rather
they saw what they wanted to see.  (This is the phenomena we see happening in America today...after relentless propaganda about a
supposed "war on terrorism," many people really believe our government is taking actions to protect the people, when in my opinion, I think they are taking actions benefiting their agenda.  Just as I advise all
to question the validity of any relationship in which someone lies to you, certainly we must hold our government to that same
accountability...once trust is broken, everything a person or a governmental regime does is then in question for their motives can no
longer be blindly or faithfully regarded as being in your interests.)

If you courageously choose to expose corruption you may
may loose.  But in the process, others will also come to know the truth.  Your devotion to truth will shine and more will come to know
of your integrity, ultimately leading to positive opportunities and trust from those who may have a way to assist you.  But, most
importantly, your actions have taken you out of the apathetic majority who allow corruption to take place.  As Horace Greeley said, "Apathy
is a sort of living oblivion."

Choose truth.  Be strong. You who have chosen not to be victimized in
your spirit prevail in life in ways the corrupt never experience...And, it is only those who fight, who win.  You will never win the
battle if you do not fight.  But, again, even if you loose a battle, I do believe in the end, you will win the fight.

It's a fight for integrity.  It's a fight for yourself and the rights of others.  It's a fight that builds your character, your spirit, and
I believe it is a way of life that ultimately leads to a personal fulfillment the corrupt never experience.

I believe the corrupt, though we can see they benefit materially from their choices, never experience true joy in their lives.  Personally,
I believe a choice for living in the truth brings joy greater than worldly items can provide.

The apathetic, the weak--so afraid of fighting for the principles they
claim to believe--are corrupt as well.  To allow corruption is to
condone it.  The prevalence of corruption in our government is due not
only to those people with power, but with every person who does not
speak up for the things they believe--every person who sits idly by
even though they oppose what they see is happening--every person who
chooses to remain quite so they can 'fit in' with the crowd.  Do not
let fear do your choosing between right and wrong.  Whatever the issue
may be, your voice and work for what is right is needed.

Courageously fighting when necessary or refusing to be a part of
corruption, will enable you to see clearly.  You will no longer be as
vulnerable (if at all) to the deceits and lies told you.  You will
have lived according to the values in your heart.  You become one of
the few in this society with integrity.

If you believe in truth.  Speak it.  Work for it.  Never accept anything less.