Political Corruption and Economic Law

Corruption is an urgent problem that must be addressed, in order to achieve economic growth and a healthy stretching. Various records of corruption every day reported by the mass media both print and electronic, reflected the increase and development of models of corruption. Anti-corruption rhetoric was not powerful enough to stop this despicable practice. Regulation of legislation that is part of the political law made by the government, become meaning less, if not accompanied with sincerity for the manifestation of the legislation that exists. Political law is not enough, if there is no recovery against the executor or legal actors. Constellation such as this reinforce the political reasons of law which was designed by the government not only meets the meanstream more is happening.
Political dimensions of law which is a "policy enforcement" or "enactment policy", is the dominant policy implementation in developing countries, where legislation is often used as a political instrument by government, the rulers rather, to things that are negative or positive. And draft legislation with the dimensions of such a dominant place in Indonesia, which actually opened the door for the entry of corrupt practices through the weakness of legislation. Look at the economy law Juwana Hikmahanto analysis, such as Limited Liability Company Act, Capital Market Law, Mortgage Law, Corporate Documents Act, Bankruptcy Law, Banking Law, Competition Law, Consumer Protection Law, Law Construction Services, the Law on Bank Indonesia, the Foreign Exchange Law, Arbitration Law, Telecommunications Law, Fiduciary Law, Trade Secrets Law, the Law on Industrial Design Law and many other economic areas. Almost all legislation that has the dimensions of the political policy of the law "enforcement policy", and give space to the occurrence of corrupt practices.
The fact that happened shows that industrial countries can no longer patronize the developing countries about corruption, because through korupsilah social-economic system is broken, both developed and developing countries. Even in his book "The Confesion of Economic Hit Man" John Perkin reinforce the role of the superpower countries like the United States through donor agencies such as IMF, World Bank and Multinational companies ensnare developing countries like Indonesia in the pools of rampant corruption and foreign debt trapped in the outer unusually large, entirely corrupted by the Indonesian authorities at the time. This is done in doing the hegemony of economic development in Indonesia, and succeeded. Democratization and Corruption Metamorphosis shift system, through the collapse of the power of icons New Order, Soeharto. Bring blessings for the growth of the life of democratization in Indonesia. Reform, so many people call these changes. But unfortunately the reform should be paid handsomely by Indonesia through the collapse of the economic foundation that is "Buble Gum" that every time it is ready to explode. Hypocrisy (Hipocrasy) becomes a powerful weapon for fooling the people. However, what the people want warning was never realized, and lulled by the gentle rebound neat song and word of mouth hipocrasi born of the progressors the ideals and character of the new order. Once corruption is centralized at the center of power, as regional autonomy or decentralization, followed by the decentralization of financial management, corruption has a significant equity and growth. The shift system that the authors explain, shared by Susan Rose-Ackerman, who saw the case in Italy, Rose explains democratization and free market is not the only means of deterrence of corruption, authoritarian government's shift to democratic governance is not necessarily capable of displacing the tradition of bribery. Corruption exists in every social system, feudalism, capitalism, communism and socialism. Law required effort as a mechanism of social solutions to resolve conflicts of interest, stacker personal wealth, and the risk of bribery. There must be a painful legal pressure for the corrupt. Corruption in Indonesia has brought disharmony of political-economic-social, charts the growth of the number of poor people continues to rise because of corruption.
In the life of democracy in Indonesia, corruption more easily found dipelbagai areas of life. First, because of the weakening of social values, personal interests become more mainstream choice than the public interest, and ownership of individual objects into personal ethics that underlie social behavior of most people. Second, there is no transparency and accountability of public integrity system. Bureau of public services actually used by public officials to pursue personal political ambitions, solely for the sake of promotion and advancement. While the quality and quantity of public services, not the main priorities and orientation. And two reasons for this burst in Indonesia, public services have never termaksimalisasikan because of corruption and democratization actually facilitate corruption. Uncertainty Corruption and Economic Development At the beginning of the paragraph the authors explain that corruption always lead to economic development situation is uncertain. Uncertainty is not beneficial for economic growth and healthy business. The private sector is difficult to predict business opportunities in the economy, and to make a profit then they would not want to be involved in a major conspiracy of corruption. High cost economy faced by businessmen, so that investors are reluctant to invest into the real sector in Indonesia, even if investors are interested they prepare to invest in the financial sector in financial markets.
One important element to stimulate private sector development is to improve the flow of foreign investment (foreign direct investment). In this context, corruption is often the additional tax burden on the private sector. Foreign investors often respond negatively to this Hali (high cost economy.) Indonesia can achieve the optimal level of foreign investment, if Indonesia prior to minimize high cost economy caused by corruption. The practice of corruption is often interpreted in a positive way, when this behavior becomes an effective tool to relieve tension and rigidity to penetrate the bureaucracy of government administration and political channels are closed. Political tensions between politicians and bureaucrats are usually effective mitigated through corrupt practices that meet their personal interests. Parallel with Mubaryanto opinion, which says "There is never equate economic disease inflation and corruption. Inflation, which has been a hyperinflation in 1966, managed to overcome our technocrats. Unfortunately now there are no signs we are able and willing to overcome the problem of corruption, although corruption is really a terrible outbreak. Apparently the problem of inflation more technical nature so that economics as monodisiplin relatively easy fix. Instead of corruption is a socio-cultural issues and politics, so that economics alone is not able to cope. Even worse economics tend not even dare to fight corruption because it is considered "not too disturbing development." Inflation is also considered to be "more exciting" development, to "expand the market" for luxury goods, which are produced. "The business world does seem more excited if there is corruption"! Whatever the reason, corruption tends to create inefficiencies and waste sectors of the economy is always happening. The resulting output is not proportional to the amount issued, the threat of inflation always accompanies economic development. GDP fell sharply, the currency continues to erode. Due to the multiplier effect of such corruption. Mubaryanto explained, the key to solving the problem of corruption is government partisanship on justice. Corruption must be considered to inhibit the realization of social justice, social development, and moral development. If now corruption has been attacked by members of the legislature in the central and local levels, the danger must be considered far more severe because they (members of the DPR / DPRD) is representative of the people. If the people's representatives are "congregational" in corruption, this action clearly does not represent the aspirations of the people, if since the multidimensional crisis that originated from the 1997/1998 financial crisis is a serious suggestion for the government to side with the people's economy (and not anymore in a conglomerate), in the form programs of economic empowerment of the people, then this means there must be political justice. Economic justice and social justice has so far not materialized in Indonesia because it is not developed political justice. Political justice is the "rules of the game" fair politics, or produce justice for all citizens. We call on the philosophers and social scientists, to work hard and think by empirical-inductive, ie always use the empirical data in the argument, not just think only theoretically, the more so by always referring to Western theories. By thinking thoughts empirical conclusions generated will directly benefit the community and policy makers today. For example, it fair to rich people we are living in luxury while at the same time still very many people who have to beg just to eat. Rich or poor countries alike, in the absence of good faith to combat corrupt practices there will always mendestruksi economy in the short and long term. Much evidence suggests that the economy and corruption scandals often happen in many countries rich and prosperous and also occurred from the moral depravity of the cleptocrasy in poor countries and developing markets like Indonesia. Economic development is often used as an excuse to pawn natural resources to multinational corporations and the State in which superpower had packed pundit corrupt practices to accumulate wealth-purse for political purposes and personal and group.