Political Corruption and Economic Law

Corruption is an urgent problem that must be addressed, in order to achieve economic growth and a healthy stretching. Various records of corruption every day reported by the mass media both print and electronic, reflected the increase and development of models of corruption. Anti-corruption rhetoric was not powerful enough to stop this despicable practice. Regulation of legislation that is part of the political law made by the government, become meaning less, if not accompanied with sincerity for the manifestation of the legislation that exists. Political law is not enough, if there is no recovery against the executor or legal actors. Constellation such as this reinforce the political reasons of law which was designed by the government not only meets the meanstream more is happening.
Political dimensions of law which is a "policy enforcement" or "enactment policy", is the dominant policy implementation in developing countries, where legislation is often used as a political instrument by government, the rulers rather, to things that are negative or positive. And draft legislation with the dimensions of such a dominant place in Indonesia, which actually opened the door for the entry of corrupt practices through the weakness of legislation. Look at the economy law Juwana Hikmahanto analysis, such as Limited Liability Company Act, Capital Market Law, Mortgage Law, Corporate Documents Act, Bankruptcy Law, Banking Law, Competition Law, Consumer Protection Law, Law Construction Services, the Law on Bank Indonesia, the Foreign Exchange Law, Arbitration Law, Telecommunications Law, Fiduciary Law, Trade Secrets Law, the Law on Industrial Design Law and many other economic areas. Almost all legislation that has the dimensions of the political policy of the law "enforcement policy", and give space to the occurrence of corrupt practices.
The fact that happened shows that industrial countries can no longer patronize the developing countries about corruption, because through korupsilah social-economic system is broken, both developed and developing countries. Even in his book "The Confesion of Economic Hit Man" John Perkin reinforce the role of the superpower countries like the United States through donor agencies such as IMF, World Bank and Multinational companies ensnare developing countries like Indonesia in the pools of rampant corruption and foreign debt trapped in the outer unusually large, entirely corrupted by the Indonesian authorities at the time. This is done in doing the hegemony of economic development in Indonesia, and succeeded. Democratization and Corruption Metamorphosis shift system, through the collapse of the power of icons New Order, Soeharto. Bring blessings for the growth of the life of democratization in Indonesia. Reform, so many people call these changes. But unfortunately the reform should be paid handsomely by Indonesia through the collapse of the economic foundation that is "Buble Gum" that every time it is ready to explode. Hypocrisy (Hipocrasy) becomes a powerful weapon for fooling the people. However, what the people want warning was never realized, and lulled by the gentle rebound neat song and word of mouth hipocrasi born of the progressors the ideals and character of the new order. Once corruption is centralized at the center of power, as regional autonomy or decentralization, followed by the decentralization of financial management, corruption has a significant equity and growth. The shift system that the authors explain, shared by Susan Rose-Ackerman, who saw the case in Italy, Rose explains democratization and free market is not the only means of deterrence of corruption, authoritarian government's shift to democratic governance is not necessarily capable of displacing the tradition of bribery. Corruption exists in every social system, feudalism, capitalism, communism and socialism. Law required effort as a mechanism of social solutions to resolve conflicts of interest, stacker personal wealth, and the risk of bribery. There must be a painful legal pressure for the corrupt. Corruption in Indonesia has brought disharmony of political-economic-social, charts the growth of the number of poor people continues to rise because of corruption.
In the life of democracy in Indonesia, corruption more easily found dipelbagai areas of life. First, because of the weakening of social values, personal interests become more mainstream choice than the public interest, and ownership of individual objects into personal ethics that underlie social behavior of most people. Second, there is no transparency and accountability of public integrity system. Bureau of public services actually used by public officials to pursue personal political ambitions, solely for the sake of promotion and advancement. While the quality and quantity of public services, not the main priorities and orientation. And two reasons for this burst in Indonesia, public services have never termaksimalisasikan because of corruption and democratization actually facilitate corruption. Uncertainty Corruption and Economic Development At the beginning of the paragraph the authors explain that corruption always lead to economic development situation is uncertain. Uncertainty is not beneficial for economic growth and healthy business. The private sector is difficult to predict business opportunities in the economy, and to make a profit then they would not want to be involved in a major conspiracy of corruption. High cost economy faced by businessmen, so that investors are reluctant to invest into the real sector in Indonesia, even if investors are interested they prepare to invest in the financial sector in financial markets.
One important element to stimulate private sector development is to improve the flow of foreign investment (foreign direct investment). In this context, corruption is often the additional tax burden on the private sector. Foreign investors often respond negatively to this Hali (high cost economy.) Indonesia can achieve the optimal level of foreign investment, if Indonesia prior to minimize high cost economy caused by corruption. The practice of corruption is often interpreted in a positive way, when this behavior becomes an effective tool to relieve tension and rigidity to penetrate the bureaucracy of government administration and political channels are closed. Political tensions between politicians and bureaucrats are usually effective mitigated through corrupt practices that meet their personal interests. Parallel with Mubaryanto opinion, which says "There is never equate economic disease inflation and corruption. Inflation, which has been a hyperinflation in 1966, managed to overcome our technocrats. Unfortunately now there are no signs we are able and willing to overcome the problem of corruption, although corruption is really a terrible outbreak. Apparently the problem of inflation more technical nature so that economics as monodisiplin relatively easy fix. Instead of corruption is a socio-cultural issues and politics, so that economics alone is not able to cope. Even worse economics tend not even dare to fight corruption because it is considered "not too disturbing development." Inflation is also considered to be "more exciting" development, to "expand the market" for luxury goods, which are produced. "The business world does seem more excited if there is corruption"! Whatever the reason, corruption tends to create inefficiencies and waste sectors of the economy is always happening. The resulting output is not proportional to the amount issued, the threat of inflation always accompanies economic development. GDP fell sharply, the currency continues to erode. Due to the multiplier effect of such corruption. Mubaryanto explained, the key to solving the problem of corruption is government partisanship on justice. Corruption must be considered to inhibit the realization of social justice, social development, and moral development. If now corruption has been attacked by members of the legislature in the central and local levels, the danger must be considered far more severe because they (members of the DPR / DPRD) is representative of the people. If the people's representatives are "congregational" in corruption, this action clearly does not represent the aspirations of the people, if since the multidimensional crisis that originated from the 1997/1998 financial crisis is a serious suggestion for the government to side with the people's economy (and not anymore in a conglomerate), in the form programs of economic empowerment of the people, then this means there must be political justice. Economic justice and social justice has so far not materialized in Indonesia because it is not developed political justice. Political justice is the "rules of the game" fair politics, or produce justice for all citizens. We call on the philosophers and social scientists, to work hard and think by empirical-inductive, ie always use the empirical data in the argument, not just think only theoretically, the more so by always referring to Western theories. By thinking thoughts empirical conclusions generated will directly benefit the community and policy makers today. For example, it fair to rich people we are living in luxury while at the same time still very many people who have to beg just to eat. Rich or poor countries alike, in the absence of good faith to combat corrupt practices there will always mendestruksi economy in the short and long term. Much evidence suggests that the economy and corruption scandals often happen in many countries rich and prosperous and also occurred from the moral depravity of the cleptocrasy in poor countries and developing markets like Indonesia. Economic development is often used as an excuse to pawn natural resources to multinational corporations and the State in which superpower had packed pundit corrupt practices to accumulate wealth-purse for political purposes and personal and group.

List of corruption cases in Indonesia

On October 17, 2006, Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia began to publish photos and disseminate data corruption criminal fugitives who have a legal binding decision of his case remain. The data and images 14 twelve corruptor is scheduled appearances on television and mass media with the frequency of once a week.

They are:

  1. Sudjiono Timan - Business Development Director of PT Bahana Indonesia (BPUI) 
  2. Eko Edi Putranto - Directors of Bank Harapan Sentosa (BHS) 
  3. Samadikun Hartono - President Director of Bank Modern 
  4. Lesmana Basuki - Case BLBI     Sherny Kojongian - Directors BHS 
  5. Hendro Bambang Sumantri - Case BLBI 
  6. Eddy Djunaedi - Case BLBI 
  7. Ede Utoyo - Case BLBI 
  8. Toni Suherman - Case BLBI 
  9. Bambang Sutrisno - Wadirut Bank Surya 
  10. Andrian Kiki Ariawan - Board of Directors of Bank Surya 
  11. Aka Harry Mattalata Hariram Ramchmand Melwani - Case BLBI 
  12. Nader Taher - Director of PT Siak Emerald Pusako 
  13. Dharmono K tail feather - Case BLBI

Libya corruption, cult of personality drive Qaddafi's grip on power: WikiLeaks cable

Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi is a skillful politician who has manipulated local rivals and his own sons so that he could remain in power, according to a series of US diplomatic cables on Libya, published this week by WikiLeaks. The cables describe Qaddafi’s consolidation of power over the last four decades and reveal some of the challenges Libya will face if the embattled leader steps down.
The United States and Libya have had a rocky relationship in the past and Washington at one time had Libya listed as a state sponsor of terrorism. Ties began to improve in 2003 when Qaddafi agreed to give up Libya’s nuclear weapon program, and three years later the US embassy in Tripoli was reopened.

Since then, US diplomats have been able to unearth some of the details of the workings of the Qaddafi government, in place now for more than 40 years. A cable dated Jan. 28, 2009 and written by Gene A. Cretz, the United States’ first ambassador to Libya since 1972, suggests that Qaddafi is a micromanager who continues to be involved with the everyday work of the government:
Despite a carefully cultivated image as a philosopher-king with no formal title and persistent rumors that he is passing day-to-day decisionmaking as part of an orchestrated succession by one of his sons, Muammar al-Qadhafi remains intimately involved in the regime's most sensitive and critical portfolios. He has used an influential but obscure administrative entity to politically vet commercial contracts involving GOL [government of Libya] funds and ensure that opportunities to extract rents from those contracts are distributed to key regime allies. In addition to his activist role in commercial affairs, al-Qadhafi's recent interventions in other high-profile issues undermine the claim that he is an oracle above the fray.
Ambassador Cretz continues to say that Qaddafi’s “mastery of tactical maneuvering has kept him in power for nearly 40 years; however, the unholy alliance of corruption and cult-of-personality politics on which the system has been based is ultimately limiting.”
The world has witnessed Qaddafi’s attempts to hold on to that power in recent days, as his security forces brutally suppressed thousands of Libyans gathering in the streets of the capital Tripoli and other cities in the past week. While it’s too soon to say how the battle between Qaddafi’s supporters and anti-government demonstrators will end, there are no clear successors if Qaddafi steps down.
The Christian Science Monitor reported that a possible leadership alternative in Libya might be the country’s tribal leaders, according to Kamran Bokhari, Middle East and South Asia regional director for Stratfor, a global-security forecasting company that is based in Austin, Texas. "But other Arab regimes ruling over tribal societies – from Saudi Arabia to Jordan and Yemen – will not want to see the kind of 'real regime change' that a shift to tribal governance would constitute."
Observers have long guessed that one of Qaddafi’s sons would take over as leader, though it has been uncertain who Qaddafi preferred. Another cable authored by Cretz, sent in November 2009, suggests that Qaddafi’s apparent wavering was merely another example of his political shrewdness.
“Qadhafi has placed his sons … on a succession high wire act, perpetually thrown off balance, in what might be a calculated effort by the aging leader to prevent any one of them from authoritatively gaining the prize,” writes Cretz.
While a February 2010 cable suggests that young Libyans favor Qaddafi’s second eldest son, Saif al-Islam, as the hope of “Libya al-Ghad” or the “Libya of Tomorrow,” it now appears that support for him as waned. The Monitor reported that Saif told protesters on Sunday that if demonstrations don’t end, Libyans could expect “the division of Libya piece by piece and for a civil war.” Since then, protesters have demanded the removal of the entire Qaddafi family from power.
In the January 2009 cable, Cretz predicts a disarray of leadership that seems more and more likely if Qaddafi steps down.

CHRISTINE SMITH American Corruption

It is my opinion that the majority of our governmental "representatives" are corrupt; likewise and the causality, I think the
majority of people are corrupt.

The only difference is the amount of power they have achieved, and thus the degree of abuse capable.  But in our daily lives, how many of us are lied to, stolen from, cheated, unjustly discriminated against, and betrayed?

The lie is a way of life for most Americans.  From small to large examples, most people accept dishonesty, though they may profess
verbally the virtues they actually lack.  Appearances are deceptive, as most create a facade for the world to see....but it is in those
moments when they believe no one is looking--no one is aware--that the truth of what lies in the heart is revealed.  The line between
choosing the lie (any form of manipulation, cheating, deception for supposed gain-be it emotional, financial, or otherwise) or truth is
one we all face daily.  Though we all can err, I regard a corrupt person as one who makes the choice of the lie the majority of the
time.  A corrupt person is an enemy of truth.

I think politics particularly attracts the corrupt.  Politics, and politicians, should be one of the most honorable career choices, in
reality, I think the majority of those in politics are some of the most dishonorable people in our society.  I think the majority of
people in any governmental position are corrupt.  The same, too, can be said of the American judicial system.  Truth and justice is not the goal.

Corrupt people view politics and government positions, whether at the city/county/state level to the federal, as a means to greater
power...greater money...greater opportunity to achieve their goals (versus the goals of their constituents).  I do not agree it is the
power one achieves that corrupts them; I believe the corruption is already in them and thus they seek more power in order to fulfill
their agenda of what they think is in their best interest.

As writer David Brin observed, "It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane
are usually attracted by other things than power."

From small towns to large cities to states to the federal level, government offices and the various committees formed for apparently
"good" purposes  attract the corrupt for whatever power and security they can then have.  I believe it is the exception that such positions are sought by qualified persons with a true desire to be in civil service, just as I feel much giving is done for less than altruistic

Many of the what should be positions in which people want to serve and help the people (who pay their salaries) are instead occupied by
people who use the job only for personal gain.  Meeting a public servant who truly performs their duty with respect for the citizens is
rare.  (I recommend that when you meet those rare persons, that you commend them, and even go farther by writing a letter of gratitude to their supervisor, etc. or a letter to your local paper expressing your appreciation for their service to you as a citizen and to the
community at large.)

My naivety about my brothers and sisters is gone.  I realize there are individuals who believe in truth, but I also realize the majority do not.  Although I have known associates who are of the mindset that "people are basically good," I disagree.

I do believe each of is, at heart, at birth, love.  Love is what we are--what we are meant to give--and receive.  However, birth into this
corrupt society sadly results in many learning the false lessons of conditional love, a focus on differences, judgment and condemnation,
and the many forms of emotionalism that comes with lack of love. Thus, by the time adult hood is reached, corruption to a greater or
lesser degree, has made a home in the heart.
Because of the high degree of corruption (lack of love) in parents, teachers, employers, and others in one's family and associates, rarely
does one escape seeing that corrupt choices are never justified.  The end does not justify the means, but this is the lesson society

Examine your life.  How many times has someone you trusted lied to you...manipulated you?  Did you mother assert dominance over you causing you to this day confusion as you are drawn between wanting to show love/respect to her yet ambivalent because of the awareness of her years of deceit and use/abuse of your emotions and life?  Has a
lover betrayed you?  Has an employer cheated you?  Have you seen others 'get ahead' using tactics which are wrong, and yet they seem to
get away with it and prosper?  Have you suffered the sadness of seeing
someone you care about hurt by the betrayal of another?  Have you struggled honestly to make a living in the midst of others who through other means achieve financial success?  Have you voted and campaigned
for someone only to then find out their entire campaign was a lie? Have you been wronged or treated disrespectfully by a "public servant"
who follows the rules without being human about a situation (as in
'The letter of the law kills; the spirit of the law gives life?')
And, how many times has someone seemed to be a good friend, and later that very person becomes one of your worst enemies?

Likewise, how many times have you been the one inflicting emotional pain upon someone you said you cared about?  How many times have you made a less than honorable decision for whatever advantage you felt it would bring you?

These are the experiences of all.  Corruption pervades American society.  As Mahatma Gandhi  said,"Corruption and hypocrisy ought not to be inevitable products of democracy, as they undoubtedly are today."

It is, unfortunately, the human condition we as a people have created and allowed.   However, I believe in the power of one to choose
differently for their life.  The past does not exist.  So, regardless of mistakes you have made in the past toward others, you can choose again.  Regardless of the mistakes others have made toward you.  You
do not have to resort to negative emotional responses nor do you have to acquire their ways as your own.  Choose love.  Reject all forms of the lie...reject all forms of corruption.  Embrace truth.

What happens when you make that choice?  Pain.  Joy.

Pain because the more you choose truth, the more intensely you will feel righteous indignation on behalf of others who are mistreated as well as for the mistreatment you receive.

Joy because the more you choose truth, the more intensely you will love and be loved...you will for the first time learn, by experience,
the truth that giving is receiving.

Assuming one makes the choice to endeavor to seek truth and express truth, one will feel a strong need for justice (to be distinguished
from revenge).  Justice, accountability, is what you desire, and it appears to me that our society (and I can only speak for American
society as I am personally not familiar enough with other cultures) rarely provides justice.  Semblance of justice is touted through words
and displays of pride (an emotion to reject), but truth is not valued and rarely exposed.  Meaning: Many of the corrupt in our society are able to seemingly get away with their deeds.

How does one respond to this?

1. Never compromise.  Regardless of who or how many are making choices, that you, too, could do...resist the temptation.  Commitment
to truth--in relating to everyone and anything you say you care about--is necessary.

2.  Fight.  Courage is needed by anyone who seeks truth, dedicates themselves to truth, works for truth.  Courage. Strength.  You must
understand that what is right demands to be fought for.  One cannot give mere lip service to values of truth/love...one must have
integrity--which is living the life you profess to believe in within your heart and fighting to stop injustice wherever it is found. Apathy is the enemy of truth.  When you are victimized, or when others are victimized, when steps are being taken around you toward your
victimization or that of others....is the time for you to boldly step forward and proclaim the truth.  Truth is always worth fighting for.

3. You must purge anyone who is corrupt from your life.  Again, "corrupt" meaning that the person has decidedly chosen, at this point
in their life, to more often choose darkness versus light; the lie versus truth; dishonesty rather than honesty...it may take any number
of forms, but ask yourself is he/she predominately one who seeks truth
or do they predominately (in matters large and small) seek gain through deceit?  We all make mistakes, and mistakes are merely for
correction.  Some of the mistakes one can make can be quite serious, still one can choose again, and reject such a mistake.  What matters is the heart.  Do they remain committed to untruth or are they willing
to now choose truth?  If one remains committed to untruth, I feel it
is a serious mistake for a truth seeker to allow such persons to remain in their life.  I purge my life of anyone who is insincere with
me.  I do not care who they are.  If they seriously wrong me or others through deception, when I see a heart committed to lies (even if not directed toward me), I purge them from my life.  But if both parties in any relationship are sincerely committed to truth, regardless of the past, I believe peace can be found.

Another observation: The corrupt will protect one another.  They join their power to subjugate others to empower themselves.  They will conveniently look the other way even when injustice and wrongdoing is
brought to their attention.  The system is not based on truth.  They will do their best to look as if they "care" about your problem when
in reality they could not care less.  All that matters to the corrupt is protecting their job, prestige/reputation, and paycheck.  Thy live
lives based on fear of losing whatever they have gained, thus they accept the status quo and will not help put a halt to corruption.
They are not about to help others expose corruption...when they
actually accept it for themselves.

Few people will join you when you step out of the herd mentality of acceptance.  It is like the man in the fable who saw the emperor had
no clothes, yet all around him the masses hailed the emperor as he rode past in his nakedness as if he was regaled in elaborate robes.  Why would the people behave as if the emperor was elegantly
dressed...because they knew that was what they had been told and were
expected to do.  Their eyes were no longer made for seeing, rather
they saw what they wanted to see.  (This is the phenomena we see happening in America today...after relentless propaganda about a
supposed "war on terrorism," many people really believe our government is taking actions to protect the people, when in my opinion, I think they are taking actions benefiting their agenda.  Just as I advise all
to question the validity of any relationship in which someone lies to you, certainly we must hold our government to that same
accountability...once trust is broken, everything a person or a governmental regime does is then in question for their motives can no
longer be blindly or faithfully regarded as being in your interests.)

If you courageously choose to expose corruption you may prevail...you
may loose.  But in the process, others will also come to know the truth.  Your devotion to truth will shine and more will come to know
of your integrity, ultimately leading to positive opportunities and trust from those who may have a way to assist you.  But, most
importantly, your actions have taken you out of the apathetic majority who allow corruption to take place.  As Horace Greeley said, "Apathy
is a sort of living oblivion."

Choose truth.  Be strong. You who have chosen not to be victimized in
your spirit prevail in life in ways the corrupt never experience...And, it is only those who fight, who win.  You will never win the
battle if you do not fight.  But, again, even if you loose a battle, I do believe in the end, you will win the fight.

It's a fight for integrity.  It's a fight for yourself and the rights of others.  It's a fight that builds your character, your spirit, and
I believe it is a way of life that ultimately leads to a personal fulfillment the corrupt never experience.

I believe the corrupt, though we can see they benefit materially from their choices, never experience true joy in their lives.  Personally,
I believe a choice for living in the truth brings joy greater than worldly items can provide.

The apathetic, the weak--so afraid of fighting for the principles they
claim to believe--are corrupt as well.  To allow corruption is to
condone it.  The prevalence of corruption in our government is due not
only to those people with power, but with every person who does not
speak up for the things they believe--every person who sits idly by
even though they oppose what they see is happening--every person who
chooses to remain quite so they can 'fit in' with the crowd.  Do not
let fear do your choosing between right and wrong.  Whatever the issue
may be, your voice and work for what is right is needed.

Courageously fighting when necessary or refusing to be a part of
corruption, will enable you to see clearly.  You will no longer be as
vulnerable (if at all) to the deceits and lies told you.  You will
have lived according to the values in your heart.  You become one of
the few in this society with integrity.

If you believe in truth.  Speak it.  Work for it.  Never accept anything less.

Corruption, American Style

Bribery gets all the bad press, but lobbying is the real danger, because it affects everybody--whether they want it to or not.

Con men, swindlers and cheaters pay bribes. Sophisticates hire lobbyists because lobbyists get better, more lasting results while only rarely landing in the slammer. We know intuitively that bribery and lobbying are related, and there are reams of academic papers that try to draw the line between legitimate issue advocacy and corruption. President Barack Obama isn't buying it. As he swore in his new staff, he banned them from future employment lobbying the White House, "for as long as I'm president."
Economists and sociologists don't tend to spend a lot of time arguing in favor of illegal activities like bribing bureaucrats, so their efforts tend to come down in defense of the K Street bandits. The common argument is that bribery happens in developing economies where the rule of law is questionable, while lobbying is a more civilized activity that brings economic benefits.

Bard Harstad of the Kellogg School of Management and Jakob Svensson of Stockholm University have approached the problem as one between developing and developed economies. But let's set aside the debate over third- and first-world corruption. Narco states, oligarchies, religious and secular dictatorships are ruled by graft because power and influence are traded in secret.
What's telling about the Harstad and Svensson paper is that in an open society like the U.S., our brightest minds are unable to draw meaningful distinctions between handing someone an envelope full of cash and flooding a senator's campaign war chest, except to point out that lobbying is far more effective. A briber wants a to circumvent the law. A lobbyist wants to change it.
The fact that laws affect everyone supposedly makes lobbying more legitimate, since the lobbyist isn't typically asking for special treatment the way a briber does. But maybe that's the problem. Someone who pays a bribe might be rich, powerful and dangerous, but they're also uniquely vulnerable. They open themselves to extortion by the corrupt official they're using, for example. Harstad and Svensson write: "Promises by individual bureaucrats not to ask (or extort) bribes in the future are not credible, since such contracts cannot be written when corruption is illegal and because firms deal with different officials over time."
The lobbyist takes no such risk. The lobbyist's goal is to make the government official depend on them for financing and support in elections. A bribe works once. Cajoling or inducing a congressional representative to help get a law changed is the gift that keeps on giving.
In his book Knowledge and Decisions, economist Thomas Sowell defends lobbyists as people who have acquired a great deal of technical knowledge so that they're better informed than the general public about whatever issue they care about most. They then become, as Sowell describes, a powerful force in government because "reform through democratic legislation requires either 'public consensus or a powerful minority lobby.'" Sowell defends this influence since it comes from knowledge fairly gained and deployed. But the power of the lobbyist is far greater than the power of the briber. A powerful lobbyist can get laws changed even if there's no public consensus to do so, and yet those laws still apply to everyone.

Corruption in Indonesia

Bribes by firms in Indonesia arise principally from regulations --licenses and levies --imposed by local government officials. Regulations generate direct revenues (fees) plus indirect revenues in the form of bribes. The expected value of the latter is capitalized into lower salaries needed by localities to compensate public officials. Localities in Indonesia are hampered by insufficient revenues from formal tax and transfer sources to pay competitive salaries plus fund demanded' levels of public services, because local tax rates are capped by the center and inter-governmental transfers are limited. Thus the direct and indirect revenues from local regulations are critical to local finances. The paper models and estimates the key aspects of corruption -- the relationship between bribes, time spent with local officials, and different forms of regulation. It models how inter-jurisdictional competition for firms limits the extent of local regulation and how greater sources of tax or inter-governmental revenues reduce the need for regulation and corruption. The paper estimates a large reduction in regulation in better funded localities. The findings are directly relevant to Indonesia where corruption is high and the country is in the throes of major decentralization and local democratization efforts

American lawyer and newspaper columnist in Seoul

Kim Young-Chui life turned upside down since the expose of corruption at Samsung Electronics. He called whistleblower reality, but in Korean culture he was considered a traitor. About two and a half years ago Kim released a 474 page book titled Think Samsung is a favorite of readers last February. This book tells the sensational allegations of corruption Lee Kun-hee, South Korea's richest man and leader Samsung Electronics, the world's largest technology companies based on total revenue.Samsung is the company's most sacred in South Korea. Since the book was released, the major newspapers and various sites in the country refuses to advertise, and only a few publications describing its contents. One newspaper reported the book became a best seller thanks to the power of word of mouth information as well as blogs and twitter. I challenge them filed a lawsuit back to me. They treated me as a man who is not considered, even though I yell about the greatest crime in the history of the country, said Kim, 52, in an interview.
On the other hand, Samsung executives underestimate the book and thought it was a fiction. We have been boiling with anger, but we are not going to sue and make it a star again, said Kim Jun-sik, Samsung's senior vice president of communications.
The story begins when Lee, the leader Samsung Electronics, accused of embezzling tax and breach of trust was sentenced in April 2008 so that the two charges. The problem was then known as the scandal fund Samsung mud. But Lee's escape from jail and receive a presidential pardon.
Under Lee's leadership, Samsung developed into a conglomerate that produces more than one-fifth of exports in South Korea. Samsung employs 270 thousand employees worldwide and is synonymous with success, style and pride of South Korea.
Meanwhile, Young-Chui Kim recently joined the company in 1997 after his name famous as a star prosecutor who investigated corruption by Chun Doo-hwan, former military strongman. He became the principal legal adviser to Samsung before resigning in 2004. He came out with allegations of wrongdoing three years thereafter.
Through the book he accused the Samsung factory tear proof, and bribing politicians, bureaucrats, prosecutors, judges, and journalists, mainly to ensure that these parties will not prevent illegal transfer of control of the enterprise, from Lee to his son, Lee Jae-yong, 41 years.
In the book, Lee and Kim described the subordinate executive at Samsung as a thief who bribed state officials, including government and media. The book has so far sold 120 thousand copies, a remarkable achievement in South Korea for a work of nonfiction.
When Kim was first introduced to the media about the allegations, Kim said no one wants to touch that subject. But then came a group of clergy who openly publish Kim's claims as based on an investigation.
Previously, prosecutors found 4.5 trillion won (Rp36, 3 trillion) in accounts in violation of the laws regarding identity. Prosecutors set the money belonged to Lee, who is a legacy from his father, Lee Byung-Chull, founder of Samsung.
But prosecutors concluded there was no evidence about bribery. Kim contrary mention has provided the list to prosecutors that helped bribery at Samsung while working there.
In addition, noted a lawmaker had received a golf bag full of money from Samsung, and former presidential aide said he has received and return the cash prizes from Samsung.
Last year, Lee was convicted of 46.5 billion won (Rp377, 5 billion), tax benefits arising from the hidden money and helped his son buy the shares of a subsidiary of Samsung with a low price. Lee sentenced to prison but the judge postponed the decision.
Lee said he apologized to all parties. In February, Lee receives presidential pardon, and in subsequent months, he returned to the Samsung without needing council meeting for approval the appointments.
Sean C. Hayes, American lawyer and newspaper columnist in Seoul said he hoped there were more brave souls like Kim. Kim said the decision to disclose the problem with Samsung has put the price itself.
Many kenalannnya break with Kim. When he gave a lecture at a law school, one student asked whether attending the lecture may jeopardize their employment opportunities.
Community called me a traitor, says Kim, who enjoyed classical music lovers of espresso. He said the fight was far from over. He worked with activists to hold a Samsung product boycott

Lawyers Group of Pakistan: Going America, Osama Muslim Heroes!

Groups of lawyers Pakistan on Wednesday protested against the action the United States that killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, condemned the U.S. and pray for the "hero" to them. The leader of Al Qaeda were discovered and killed in a family villa in the town of Abbottabad, about one kilometer from the Pakistan military academy, and 50 km from the capital Islamabad.

About 70 lawyers protesting in Abbottabad, condemned the U.S. operation in the city of tu, witnesses said. They shouted "Go, go America," "Osama bin Laden is our hero" and chanted slogans against the U.S.-selogan and very broke the Pakistani government. "We condemn terrorism but can not accept the violation of our sovereignty," said Tahir Faraz Abbas, chairman of the local lawyers association.

In the city of Peshawar in the northwest, where bin Laden had lived in the war to expel Soviet troops from Afghanistan, about 200 lawyers to say a prayer for the highest leader of Al Qaeda in perngadilan-court. "Osama is a Muslim hero. He was doing jihad for Muslimsthroughout the the world ." Ghulam prominent local lawyer said the Prophet.

"I doubt Osama in Abbottabad. If he was here, he is our hero and will remain our hero," he said. Conspiracy theories, which is triggered by a deep mistrust U.S. quickly spread to the entire Pakistani society for the killing Osama.

Good Lawyer and Bad Lawyer

West Sumatra Provincial Prosecutor's Office ranks again to make a breakthrough. This time, instead of the detained suspects, but including lawyers with suspicion hamper the investigation. If in Jakarta membuikan KPK prosecutors, the lawyers are grounded in West Sumatra prosecutors.

Is Manatap Ambarita SH (43), legal adviser of Afnel Ambarita-suspect to 3 cases of alleged corruption of road and bridge maintenance project on the Mentawai Islands district for Fiscal Year 2005, investigators eventually arrested Kejari Old Pejat, Friday (04/04/2008) at 14:35 pm.

Chief State Attorney Old Pejat, Law Mugopal SH MH mention, forced detention given to this lawyer. "He has hindered the prosecutor's investigation of his client that a suspect in a case handled. Naive, he actually indicated strong client had deliberately influence (Afnel Ambarita) for not attending the call screening, "he said, Friday afternoon at the High Attorney West Sumatra.

Mentioned Mugopal, it summoned the suspect Afnel Ambarita for inspection on Thursday (03/04/2008). Implementing activities in the corruption case of road and bridge maintenance project on the Mentawai Islands district fiscal year 2005, asked to attend at 09.00 am High Attorney-examination at the Raden Saleh, Jalan Padang, West Sumatra.

In fact, Afnel not come. Just now plans to contact, a middle-aged man came to the investigator. He introduced himself by name Manatap Ambarita SH. And a lawyer from Afnel Ambarita. Found that, Attorney Investigator Budi Letters SH, Yarnes SH and SH Nofiandri torn asked where his client. Strangely, it gives answers Manatap unclear and confusing.

"He said if his client could not come at this time. Conditions are fine and not sick. Even more confusing, he asked that investigators had mengundur calling until he understands his client's case suffered, "said Law.

Found the answer earlier, investigators do not want to serve. And suggested Manatap to fetch back his client to be checked with the status of a suspect. But what is meretricious, after two hours of waiting, the lawyer did not come.

Feeling dikerjai, investigators had followed the suspect at his address in Padang Black stump with the intent to pick up force. Once there, the suspect was not found. A woman (the wife of the suspect) at the address mentioned, if Afnel go with Manatap since morning and not come home.

Search continues to address Manatap disebuah inn guesthouse in the city of Padang. Similar results were again obtained. Investigators were furious. A number of the inn was visited and checked. All Manatap together to determine the existence Afnel.

Search eventually led to a five-star hotel in Juanda street. Thursday (3 / 4) at 23:30 pm, Manatap who had just entered the lobby of the hotel picked up and taken to the West Sumatra High Attorney's office. Manatap then asked to name where the presence of the suspect Afnel. Before long, he seems to call someone. Finally, on Friday (4 / 4) early morning at 0:30 am, Afnel finally surrendered and followed Manatap ke High Attorney West Sumatra.

"The treatment was clearly demonstrated when Manatap deliberately obstruct investigations. The reason for violating article 21, Law No. 31 of 1999 on Corruption is the background of its status was raised to morning and arrested the suspect, "explained Mugopal.

Moreover, he added, from the recognition of his driver, lawyer and client are always together since morning. Inevitably, he also following his client Afnel Ambarita (held Friday, April 4, 2008 at 3:30 pm) to the prison Muaro Padang. (Tos)

Article 21 of Law No. 31 Year 1999 regarding Criminal Acts of Corruption: Any person who intentionally prevent, hinder or frustrate Directly or indirectly, investigation, prosecution and trial examination of the defendant and witnesses in corruption cases shall be punished with imprisonment for 3 (three) years and a maximum of 12 (twelve) years or a fine of at least USD (one hundred and fifty million rupiah) and not exceeding Rp 600.000.000.00 (six hundred million rupiah).

Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers

Adopted by the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment
of Offenders, Havana, Cuba, 27 August to 7 September 1990
Whereas in the Charter of the United Nations the peoples of the world affirm, inter alia , their determination to establish conditions under which justice can be maintained, and proclaim as one of their purposes the achievement of international cooperation in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion,
Whereas the Universal Declaration of Human Rights enshrines the principles of equality before the law, the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, and all the guarantees necessary for the defence of everyone charged with a penal offence,
Whereas the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights proclaims, in addition, the right to be tried without undue delay and the right to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law,
Whereas the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recalls the obligation of States under the Charter to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and freedoms,
Whereas the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment provides that a detained person shall be entitled to have the assistance of, and to communicate and consult with, legal counsel,
Whereas the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners recommend, in particular, that legal assistance and confidential communication with counsel should be ensured to untried prisoners,
Whereas the Safeguards guaranteeing protection of those facing the death penalty reaffirm the right of everyone suspected or charged with a crime for which capital punishment may be imposed to adequate legal assistance at all stages of the proceedings, in accordance with article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
Whereas the Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power recommends measures to be taken at the international and national levels to improve access to justice and fair treatment, restitution, compensation and assistance for victims of crime,
Whereas adequate protection of the human rights and fundamental freedoms to which all persons are entitled, be they economic, social and cultural, or civil and political, requires that all persons have effective access to legal services provided by an independent legal profession,
Whereas professional associations of lawyers have a vital role to play in upholding professional standards and ethics, protecting their members from persecution and improper restrictions and infringements, providing legal services to all in need of them, and cooperating with governmental and other institutions in furthering the ends of justice and public interest,
The Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, set forth below, which have been formulated to assist Member States in their task of promoting and ensuring the proper role of lawyers, should be respected and taken into account by Governments within the framework of their national legislation and practice and should be brought to the attention of lawyers as well as other persons, such as judges, prosecutors, members of the executive and the legislature, and the public in general. These principles shall also apply, as appropriate, to persons who exercise the functions of lawyers without having the formal status of lawyers.
Access to lawyers and legal services
  1. All persons are entitled to call upon the assistance of a lawyer of their choice to protect and establish their rights and to defend them in all stages of criminal proceedings.
  2. Governments shall ensure that efficient procedures and responsive mechanisms for effective and equal access to lawyers are provided for all persons within their territory and subject to their jurisdiction, without distinction of any kind, such as discrimination based on race, colour, ethnic origin, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, economic or other status.
  3. Governments shall ensure the provision of sufficient funding and other resources for legal services to the poor and, as necessary, to other disadvantaged persons. Professional associations of lawyers shall cooperate in the organization and provision of services, facilities and other resources.
  4. Governments and professional associations of lawyers shall promote programmes to inform the public about their rights and duties under the law and the important role of lawyers in protecting their fundamental freedoms. Special attention should be given to assisting the poor and other disadvantaged persons so as to enable them to assert their rights and where necessary call upon the assistance of lawyers.
 Special safeguards in criminal justice matters
  1. Governments shall ensure that all persons are immediately informed by the competent authority of their right to be assisted by a lawyer of their own choice upon arrest or detention or when charged with a criminal offence.
  2. Any such persons who do not have a lawyer shall, in all cases in which the interests of justice so require, be entitled to have a lawyer of experience and competence commensurate with the nature of the offence assigned to them in order to provide effective legal assistance, without payment by them if they lack sufficient means to pay for such services.
  3. Governments shall further ensure that all persons arrested or detained, with or without criminal charge, shall have prompt access to a lawyer, and in any case not later than forty-eight hours from the time of arrest or detention.
  4. All arrested, detained or imprisoned persons shall be provided with adequate opportunities, time and facilities to be visited by and to communicate and consult with a lawyer, without delay, interception or censorship and in full confidentiality. Such consultations may be within sight, but not within the hearing, of law enforcement officials.
Qualifications and training
  1. Governments, professional associations of lawyers and educational institutions shall ensure that lawyers have appropriate education and training and be made aware of the ideals and ethical duties of the lawyer and of human rights and fundamental freedoms recognized by national and international law.
  2. Governments, professional associations of lawyers and educational institutions shall ensure that there is no discrimination against a person with respect to entry into or continued practice within the legal profession on the grounds of race, colour, sex, ethnic origin, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, economic or other status, except that a requirement, that a lawyer must be a national of the country concerned, shall not be considered discriminatory.
  3. In countries where there exist groups, communities or regions whose needs for legal services are not met, particularly where such groups have distinct cultures, traditions or languages or have been the victims of past discrimination, Governments, professional associations of lawyers and educational institutions should take special measures to provide opportunities for candidates from these groups to enter the legal profession and should ensure that they receive training appropriate to the needs of their groups.
Duties and responsibilities
  1. Lawyers shall at all times maintain the honour and dignity of their profession as essential agents of the administration of justice.
  2. The duties of lawyers towards their clients shall include:( a ) Advising clients as to their legal rights and obligations, and as to the working of the legal system in  so far as it is relevant to the legal rights and obligations of the clients;           ( b ) Assisting clients in every appropriate way, and taking legal action to protect their interests;
             ( c ) Assisting clients before courts, tribunals or administrative authorities, where appropriate.
  3. Lawyers, in protecting the rights of their clients and in promoting the cause of justice, shall seek to uphold human rights and fundamental freedoms recognized by national and international law and shall at all times act freely and diligently in accordance with the law and recognized standards and ethics of the legal profession.
  4. Lawyers shall always loyally respect the interests of their clients.
Guarantees for the functioning of lawyers
  1. Governments shall ensure that lawyers ( a ) are able to perform all of their professional functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference; ( b ) are able to travel and to consult with their clients freely both within their own country and abroad; and ( c ) shall not suffer, or be threatened with, prosecution or administrative, economic or other sanctions for any action taken in accordance with recognized professional duties, standards and ethics.
  2. Where the security of lawyers is threatened as a result of discharging their functions, they shall be adequately safeguarded by the authorities.
  3. Lawyers shall not be identified with their clients or their clients' causes as a result of discharging their functions.
  4. No court or administrative authority before whom the right to counsel is recognized shall refuse to recognize the right of a lawyer to appear before it for his or her client unless that lawyer has been disqualified in accordance with national law and practice and in conformity with these principles.
  5. Lawyers shall enjoy civil and penal immunity for relevant statements made in good faith in written or oral pleadings or in their professional appearances before a court, tribunal or other legal or administrative authority.
  6. It is the duty of the competent authorities to ensure lawyers access to appropriate information, files and documents in their possession or control in sufficient time to enable lawyers to provide effective legal assistance to their clients. Such access should be provided at the earliest appropriate time.
  7. Governments shall recognize and respect that all communications and consultations between lawyers and their clients within their professional relationship are confidential.
Freedom of expression and association
  1. Lawyers like other citizens are entitled to freedom of expression, belief, association and assembly. In particular, they shall have the right to take part in public discussion of matters concerning the law, the administration of justice and the promotion and protection of human rights and to join or form local, national or international organizations and attend their meetings, without suffering professional restrictions by reason of their lawful action or their membership in a lawful organization. In exercising these rights, lawyers shall always conduct themselves in accordance with the law and the recognized standards and ethics of the legal profession.
Professional associations of lawyers
  1. Lawyers shall be entitled to form and join self-governing professional associations to represent their interests, promote their continuing education and training and protect their professional integrity. The executive body of the professional associations shall be elected by its members and shall exercise its functions without external interference.
  2. Professional associations of lawyers shall cooperate with Governments to ensure that everyone has effective and equal access to legal services and that lawyers are able, without improper interference, to counsel and assist their clients in accordance with the law and recognized professional standards and ethics.
Disciplinary proceedings
  1. Codes of professional conduct for lawyers shall be established by the legal profession through its appropriate organs, or by legislation, in accordance with national law and custom and recognized international standards and norms.
  2. Charges or complaints made against lawyers in their professional capacity shall be processed expeditiously and fairly under appropriate procedures. Lawyers shall have the right to a fair hearing, including the right to be assisted by a lawyer of their choice.
  3. Disciplinary proceedings against lawyers shall be brought before an impartial disciplinary committee established by the legal profession, before an independent statutory authority, or before a court, and shall be subject to an independent judicial review.
  4. All disciplinary proceedings shall be determined in accordance with the code of professional conduct and other recognized standards and ethics of the legal profession and in the light of these principles.